My least favorite top to come out of a box so far. It’s blue so it could be a scrim top but- the fabric is really not skater friendly and it’s a logo. I love Bout betties and I brag on them all the time but- I don’t wear almost any of my just logo shirts. I like funny shirts, witty shirts, custom type shirts that make me happy to wear them.
Rated 5 out of 5
Pucker Punch –
Boy do things change. Life is so strange. Two years ago I had no idea that I would be wearing logos every weekend at the skate shop that I work at, or that I would be digging all the colors because I had spent so much time in black and white at scrimmage. That said, maybe that is the real joy in having a subscription in which they send you random things that you would never try. Maybe if you put them a way a while they will become that thing you need most? Finally, the fabric was comfy and soft this weekend when I trail skated in it, and the green one is super cute with the yellow accent, and I was super happy to be wearing it. (Insert Foot in Mouth Here)
Pucker Punch –
My least favorite top to come out of a box so far. It’s blue so it could be a scrim top but- the fabric is really not skater friendly and it’s a logo. I love Bout betties and I brag on them all the time but- I don’t wear almost any of my just logo shirts. I like funny shirts, witty shirts, custom type shirts that make me happy to wear them.
Pucker Punch –
Boy do things change. Life is so strange. Two years ago I had no idea that I would be wearing logos every weekend at the skate shop that I work at, or that I would be digging all the colors because I had spent so much time in black and white at scrimmage. That said, maybe that is the real joy in having a subscription in which they send you random things that you would never try. Maybe if you put them a way a while they will become that thing you need most? Finally, the fabric was comfy and soft this weekend when I trail skated in it, and the green one is super cute with the yellow accent, and I was super happy to be wearing it. (Insert Foot in Mouth Here)